Friday, September 09, 2005

Same song, second verse

Sorry, but I must vent about some parents again...kind of a follow-up to my earlier post on the Problem With Education today. The parent whose kid was absent all year due to "medical" problems has apparently decided not to enroll him in school at all. At the end of the school year it was decided to place him in 9th grade at the high school. Recently our middle school received a call from the high school (who are now holding the huge file of paperwork on him) inquiring about him because he has not been enrolled for this year. Hmmm.
Along the same lines is the parent who requested a special hearing with the administration this year to protest her son's retention in 8th grade. Now, he had actually been retained in 7th but this same parent moved him to another school into 8th and then a few weeks later moved him back as a TRANSFER into 8th, completely circumventing the retention. As you can guess, the boy, having learned how to work the system from mom, proceeded to do absolutely NOTHING during 8th grade fully expecting to manuever his way into 9th. It really annoyed he and his mom when we insisted that he would have to do 8th grade again. So, once again, he simply didn't show up for school. We have just heard that mom tried to enroll him in 9th at a nearby high school. They accepted him at first until they checked for previous records and realized he is supposed to re-do 8th. I can't imagine what her next ploy will be to get her way!


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Brillig said...

Well, it won't be her who will be paying for this in the long'll be him. Doesn't she understand that this IS hurting him? Did anyone say anything to that effect while in the meeting? "Mrs. Blank don't you realize that your son will be woefully undereducated while attempting to get through 9th grade? We ARE doing this in HIS best interest."

At 11:09 AM, Blogger cj said...

Of course, I said it, but you can't stop a charging rhino or a mommy in full attack mode!


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