Friday, April 06, 2012

Some things never change...

Looking back at past blogs I'm not surprised but a bit maudlin that I have not seen any changes in the school system regarding the identification of students who need assistance. I have about 20 e-mails saved in an electronic folder about a student I have had for only 4 weeks but have only actually seen for 7 days in class, total. I know there are identified disabilities but cannot seem to shake loose anything from the counseling/administration. No IEP, SST or 504. It really makes a teacher lose it when we traipse to endless meetings designed to teach us how to "differentiate" and create "value-added curriculum" but I can't get any interest from them in a student I have repeatedly asked about who DOES need some help. And my student who has an SST? Not one meeting or guidance other than an e-mail saying "priority seating, use of agenda and help sessions." O.K., done, now what?
I sent an e-mail about this continuing frustration to my department chair and ended my e-mail with a note that I was not expecting anything to be done, but when the emergency "SST documentation" request comes in at the end of the semester, I will probably go postal!

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